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December 27, 2011


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Nope, never faked it once in 30 years of marriage. Haven't done it since my divorce either. If I don't get my cookie, he's not going to think I did. I see no reason for men to hold on to their ignorance about a woman's body and sexual response. And if he's too selfish or lazy to satisfy, we both need to know that too.

I have, however, found it difficult to ask for or insist on what I need. That's another topic.


I've been married over 40 years and never felt the need to fake it.

The fact that I don't orgasm during sex is not entirely the fault of my husband either. He most always tries his best to give me one. Try as I might, I just cannot seem to "let go" enough to let it happen. I can count on one hand the times I've had an orgasm with my husband during sex. Each time I did, I shed tears of joy...and that freaked him out that something was wrong! Normally, I do have an orgasm after we finish; sometimes he helps me and sometimes I choose to do it myself. Either way I choose is OK with him.

While it would be nice to have an orgasm with my husband every time, my being unable to does not take away from our mutual enjoyment.

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