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September 06, 2011


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Kay Kay

Anna, the "breast fellow!" Bwaa ha ha ha! That's ALMOST worth going back to school for. I want to be a "breast fellow," too!

I love that you'll be continuing to celebrate life! I'll be here reading, that's for sure.


Melissa Ulto

bravo Susan. my grandmother went through a course of radiation treatment and it caused a heart attack. after that, she said no more, and she'd do it her own way.

i wanna celebrate with you soon - drink on me.

Lynda Belle

"Don't say that," she said. "We don't talk about dying here"-- I just recently finished reading Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and I thought of my family members who died of cancer or APlastic Anemia on a morphine drip and the gibberish medical can put a person through. Then I wake up this morning and Tina Marie email leads me here. You say the above. I had put down my sex ed reading and started reading these classics for they seem to be mentioned in the news and media a lot lately as though it were a wake up call and I had been in a deep lie induced sleep from reality. Ahhh Soma...To be woken up to the reality of pleasure and erotic play and divested of the abstinence lie I have fought so long against to only be alienated. You wrote the manual and allowed people like me to know we're okay and not heathen deamons. TY! And here I've been worried about you due to the hurricane.

Christine McNamara

We have never met, but Lorraine Gambert (my mother) forwarded me your link.
Muddling through my divorce (ugh) is like child's play compared to the devastating reality you are facing. Best wishes to you---I look forward to reading more.
Much love,
Christine Gambert McNamara

Susan Crain bakos

Thank you.....thank all of you, including the many who have emailed...for your warm and generous expressions of support.
Christine, your mother is an inspiration to me. She is a wonderful woman, strong and resilient, loving and kind.....very smart and wise....and SO MUCH FUN. My criteria for friends is that they MUST be smart and fun.

You will survive the divorce and thrive because you are your mother's daughter.

Love, Susan

Dr. Erica Goodstone

I am deeply touched by your beautifully written post, heartfelt, real and so courageous. Can I have your permission to post this blog, with a link back to your, on my blog site: www.HealthyBabyBoomersNetwork.com.

I would also like to invtie you for an interview on my blog talk radio show, Healthy Baby Boomers Network. Your spirit is infectious and I would love to share it with others, including myself.

Dr. Erica


Oh my. I read you faithfully and wasn't expecting this (any more than you were). Wow. Just wow. Keep writing because your voice on this will be as important to me as all your writing before.


You are a very wise woman! I only hope that if I were to face something like this I would have the courage to do it as you have done. I am a doc in another country, and i can imagine that keeping the anxiety of colleagues at bay in your situation would be a big job!
I will be keeping reading! I just regret that I am unlikely to meet you, having started to get to know you and respect you. Keep it up


I am so glad to read that you choose to live the rest of your life on your terms.
Doctors have their place and so do hospitals.
People have been given three months to live and recovered the natural way.
The diagnosis of cancer can be like a death sentence for some people.
We all have those cells in our bodies at times of out lives.
We have trillions of cells which can perform miracles if we let them with our thinking conscious or unconscious.

Thank you so much for sharing this!

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