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April 15, 2011


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Hardin Reddy

Though I support the legalization of prostitution, I have in mind transactions by a woman who makes the decision to sell sex on her own--not under duress from a pimp who subjects her to violence or is her source of drugs. And the woman must be able to knowingly and responsibly consent to the sex. While the age at which consent could be knowingly given is open to discussion, it's certainly higher than 11, and probably higher than 14.

What you've described isn't sexual freedom, it's slavery--and we all have a duty to speak out against it.

Susan Crain Bakos

I agree with you on legalizing prostitution. It should be the woman's choice; and she and her clients shouldn't have to worry about breaking the law.
Girls aren't women. Even mature 14 and 15 year olds have their childish moments as any mother or aunt of one can tell you. Another clue to teen girls mixed nature: so many of them still sleep with stuffed toys.

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