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February 15, 2011


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Lynda Belle

Okay the sign in with FB doesn't work...Porn/Erotica. Let me just say love it love it love it! Then again I just had the discussion with Hubby that for my BDay I had to choose between a $125 flat iron for my hair or ~my~ subscriptions for Playboy and Penthouse. I'll take the subscriptions and $300 Playboy hard drive of every PB published for Anniversary thank you!

WAKE UP AMERICA! It is not because of lack of morals or values and it sure as heck not because of porn that we have the highest divorce rate! Pffft ~please~! Let's be honest here shall we? As Oprah said "America spends more thought on getting married than being married." as a populace we have a warped sense of marriage and get married for all of the wrong reasons; but I guarantee you ~real~ love is NOT why America mostly gets married!

We are so filled with media propaganda, hypocritical religious from the pulpit lies carried to government, the experts opinion of scientific minimal participation but let's say "all" studies, and Politically dependent on geographical location and social status protectiveness. I mean come on! Have you seen all the articles in Psychology Today etc on how to teach women desire? It was published in Ask Men about anal sex, and come to find out if you read the pages of comments, most responses were men don't want anal except for the taboo factor, but once it's no longer taboo they no longer desire it. So to me that says they desire the taboo NOT the pleasure, then get their underwear in a wad if the female enjoyed it and wants more. Now what is up with that? Pleasure, the ultimate taboo. Never mind mutual pleasure.

The real issue here is NOT guys watching porn. MHO. The real issue is lack of communication between couples, and the biggest one, give women permission to be wicked! Couples don't talk about their desires, kinks, wicked dreams, fantasies, or physical pleasures. We, as Americans, don't have a comprehensive sex ed to the point in this new millenium the experts are still arguing if women even ~can~ have an orgasm without the emotional. ~PLEASE~ give me a break! We are not allowed to be open with our mate, and heaven forbid if you as a couple make your own rules, and make it a point to actually act on making each others desires a reality. Get society, government, and the pulpit out of your bedroom and out of your head!

Porn isn't killing relationships, America is killing relationships! Our idea of being married gets us married, our idea of what marriage and parenting is gets us through the first few years maybe, but the actuality is a whole different story which ends in divorce. If you can't be wicked with your spouse then who are we suppose to be kinky with? If true love waits, then doesn't it stand to reason that natural desire follows? Give women the natural right in society to desire and be wicked how ever one defines it. Make it okay to communicate and perform such desires with your mate. Heck as a society communicate the reality that the natural physical is only enhanced by the emotional, not women need the emotional to desire/need the physical. As if men are the only ones with dirty minds. What a load of BS! Use porn/erotica as a learning tool for self as well as communicating the unmentionable or undefinable. I did! Use them to enhance marriage NOT destroy it! Men have porn, women have romance/erotic novels/blogs. What's the difference? Have you read Kimmie Wednesdays?

Fight clean have dirty sex. Allow women the right to go public with the physical reality, and stop labeling them as whores and sending them to hell for a natural necessity! Dildos are illegal in some states for Gods sake. Men may want a lady in public and a whore/slut in bed, but women want a gentleman in public and a master of pleasure in bed! Combine the two and you got one hell of a couple, one blessed marriage! But America says no! Sex dies after marriage. Yet true love waited.....Now that's messed up!

Susan Crain Bakos

Oh, I love this.....
especially that line, Women want a gentleman in public and a Master of Pleasure in bed. Yes!

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