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August 11, 2010


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Only once have I made out in a bar, or actually the hallway to the "little girls" room. The line a mile long and Janice and I had to go...AND GO BAD!

So she finger-fucked me up against a wall in order to help me not to piss myself. And it worked. The line had gathered around to watch...and upon conclusion we were awarded the next stall.

So we weren't totally drunk or else we would have just pissed ourselves. But loose enough for a semi-private show...which we've repeated with each other and ours hubbies on numerous occasions. It's amazing the friends you can make.

Next time you go to the bathroom at "Moons" in Lexington, Kentucky...remember Janice and me. We sure won't forget that night.


I want to create a high school class for young women to teach them how to use their sexuality properly and in a way to make them feel good about themselves instead of that wet nasty stuff that the bartender described. Vibrators for everyone! Stop hoping that some random drunk dude is going to be the key to an orgasm! sheesh

Susan Crain Bakos


For decades, there did not seem to be enough women who wanted to help the younger girls coming along behind them to a place of strong, happy sexuality--a place of claiming one's pleasure. More and more women want to be part of the sex-positive feminst paradigm...
and I support that. The motivation to make it better for the girls coming along is very strong.

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