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June 18, 2010


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lucia lehrer

1) The label cougar does not bother me since its meant as a SEXY older woman.
2)I have been involved in a few much younger man experiences. and the age difference ranged from 18-20 years
3) I would characterize it as an extremely intense and desiring experience on both sides.
4)The attraction was only sexual.
5)Much more liberating. The feeling that a much younger man desires me, makes my experience more intense.
6)I don't think about the future. To me,this is what the cougar experience all about, Not thinking what if. Just enjoy the present.
7)I like to believe we both benefit.
I do, because he is very attentive and gives me the opportunity to be myself and truly let my hair down.
And he does because I let my hair down..
I love giving lap dances, and being erotic. With an older man I feel shy and cheep... As my present young lover tells me, Its a win win:)

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