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January 22, 2010


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Anonymous John

Way to start taboo week off with a bang--in several senses of the word!

I've always loved the line, "Incest is best--as long as you keep it in the family." But maybe that's just my slightly sick sense of humor showing itself.

Incest is both a technical term and a catch-all phrase. In one case, it involves illegality and queasy creepiness. In the other, it carries an air or the truly risque, the forbidden and the delightfully sordid--and that's what makes for high excitement in some and high dudgeon in others.

As a sexual and sensual pragmatist, I say: if it excites you, that's gotta be a good thing. If it messes with other people's heads, that's their problem and they're probably even more messed up than you are anyway.

Susan Crain Bakos

Yes, the emails from readers who are disturbed, shocked even, are coming in already.
I'm glad you understand, Anonymous John....have I told you lately that I love you?

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