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December 18, 2008


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My name is Shawn & I am a 44 year old married woman & mother of 5, 2 by heart & 3 by birth. That's another story in & of itself! Susan has been a part of my life for just over 13 years now...since marrying her nephew! It's kinda' cool having her for an aunt, even if it is only by marriage. I've never responded to her columns or blogs, but felt it was a good time to finally do so! I have had 13 good years with Harry, her nephew, & I love him more with each day. But, like his parents, communication is not a major part of our marriage! I too watch those movies & then look over at Harry & think, "Why aren't we that way?" Do I blame him? Do I blame his parents? Nah, blaming never does any good any hoo! I too have fantasies of him walking in the door, a dozen roses in his arms, a sexy grin on his face & sweeping me into his arms & knocking my proverbial socks off! He's no George either! He occasionally brings me a rose or a small flower bundle from the quick store on his way home & gives me a quick peck on the cheek. But I know he loves me & he has proven it time & time again in many different ways! I have this advice for all of us ladies, advice that I have shared with my own daughter, Iva,...Prince Charming is for Cinderella, the Harry's of the world are for us mere mortal women &, if we give them the chance, they can be more than Prince Charming could ever hope to be! But do I still "wish" for that perfect romantic life...Hell yes! Afterall, I was raised on Disney movies! So, even though I won't be on that couch with Aunt Susan, a part of me will be! So there had better be Godiva Chocolates and Puffs as the others make my nose red, Lady! Happy Holidays to all of us with a "Prince Charming" in our minds but not in our lives!

Susan Crain Bakos

Shawn, you are the best! Thanks for writing. My wonderful nephew is lucky to have you at his side.
Love, S

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